
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 04:28:53

I guess I shall give u some famous LOTR website.

1. www.lotrplaza.com

this is my favorite one, you can ask any questions about lotr there. they will give you very detailed answers and lots of people will discuss about it. ^_^ btw, if you like text rpg or u wanna prove your english, it is a very good website as long as you are a fan of lotr. Go there and explore it.

2 onering.net

lots of stuff

3 search LOTR on google.com not goole.cn, you will find lots of related website, they will be helpfull if u wanna wright an essay.

Good luck.

毕竟是LOTR ,涵盖的角度太广的话,会死得很惨的,所以建议阁下要么写某种族,或者种族通论.要么就某人物写,或者把LOTR内部的思想内核挖出来写,或者干脆就Tolkien创造的语言和历史来写一下...
