
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/06 02:02:40
你好!我是四川省广元市社会福利院工作人员,蒲海波。首先我代表院全体工作人员及孤残儿童,向你们表示诚挚的谢意,由衷地希望你们全家安康,生活幸福美满,好人一生平安。广元市社会福利院在各级政府 社会爱心人士的帮助下已经走个50多个春秋。院容院貌发生翻天覆地的变化,院内儿童部已经从传统的“养、治、教”向“情、能、智”的方向发展。让更多的社会弃婴逐步回归社会 回归家庭。在上次办理收养手续时,代捐的500美金,我们在尊重你们意见条件下,并经院部研究决定用于治疗我院弃婴邓中福,他是生下到半月就被父母遗弃,带有先天性唇腭裂,现在他已经实施唇裂修补术(腭裂建议5岁以后在做),效果非常好。谢谢你的关心。

Hello! I am the Sichuan Guangyuan city welfare institution staff, puhaibo. First I represent the child of courtyard crew and the orphaned remnant to express the sincere gratitudeto you , we heartfelt hope your entire family peace and good health, life happy content, good person life is safe. The welfare institution of Guangyuan city already walked in under all levels of governments society compassion public figure's help more than 50 spring and autumn. Courtyard Rong Yuanmao had the earth-shaking change, in the courtyard the child department already "raised from the tradition, governs, teaches" to "the sentiment, to be able, the wisdom" the direction develops. Let the more and more social abandoned babies gradually return the society and the family. At once a time going through the adoption formalities , the generation contributes the dish 500 Dollar, under your opinion condition, the research courtyard department decise to treat my courtyard abandoned ba