walking me baby back home翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 13:13:07
Walking My Baby Back Home


Gee it's great after staying out late
Walking my baby back home
Arm in arm, over meadow and farm
Walking my baby back home

We go on harmonizing a song
Or she's reciting a poem
Owls fly by and they give me the eye
Walking my baby back home

We stop for awhile
She gives me a smile
And cuddles her cheek to my chest
We start to pet and that's when i get
Her powder all over my vest

After i kind of straighten my tie
She has to borrow my comb
It's one kiss then we continue again
Walking my baby back home


Walking My Baby Back Home

Gee it's great after staying out late 哦!晚归的感觉真好~!
Walking my baby back home 陪着我的宝贝走路回家
Arm in arm, over meadow and farm 臂挽着臂,穿过牧场及农田
Walking my baby back home 陪着我的宝贝走路回家

We go on harmonizing a song 我们仍然默契地哼唱着小曲
Or she's reciting a poem有时,她会诵个小诗
Owls fly by and they give me the eye 枭儿飞过也会望望我
Walking my baby back home陪着我的宝贝走路回家

We stop for awhile 我们中途休息一会
She gives me a smile 她对我微笑
And cuddles her cheek to my chest 小鸟依人地躺如我胸膛
We start to pet and that's when i get我们爱抚着对方,我的
Her powder all over my vest汗衫上也占满了她的搽粉

After i kind of straighten my tie 接着,我便竖竖衣领
She has to borrow my comb她会向我借梳子
It's one kiss then we continue again 然后,一个热吻。我们继续(前进)
Walking my baby back home 陪伴着我的宝贝走路回家


