
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 10:34:28
English idiom exists in various forms, and we can know idioms from different angles. English idioms can be regarded as verb-phrase e.g. bring up; put up with; allusion: e.g. fly off the handle; rain cats and dogs; irreversible binomials: e.g. salt and pepper; bag and baggage; composition: blackmail; high-handled; incorporating verbs: Eg. eavesdrop; man handle. ; Proverbs, e.g. don’t count your chicken before they are hatched; Courtesy words of stylization, e.g. May I? ……; Exaggeration of stylization e.g. I wasn’t too crazy about him; he won’t even lift a finger. According to the function in grammar and elements in structure, English idioms are divided into several forms and we can know English idioms from the grammatical angle: a verb idiom, which means the central word, is a verb in an idiom. 1) V. +adj / prep e.g. bring up; get at; put forward; 2) V. +n. e.g. face the music; foot the bill; jump the queue; 3) v. +prep / prep phrase e.g. beat about the bush; bark up the wrong tree; 4)

英语习语形式多样, 可从不同角度去看待。
可以是动词短语:例如bring up[抚养,照料]; put up with[忍受];
可以是暗语: 例如fly off the handle[勃然大怒]; rain cats and dogs[滂沱大雨];
可以是成对词: 如salt and pepper[配料]; bag and baggage[全部财物];
可以是复合词: 如blackmail[敲诈]; high-handled[高脚的杯、碗等];
可以是合并动词: 如eavesdrop[偷听]; man handle[手工].
可以是谚语:如 don’t count your chicken before they are hatched[勿打如意算盘];
礼貌用语手法:例如May I? ……[我可以......吗?];
夸张手法:例如I wasn’t too crazy about him[]; he won’t even lift a finger.

根据句子结构中语法和语素的功能, 英语习语分为7种形式,我们可从语法角度理解英语习语:

1) 动词+形容词/介词:例如bring up[抚养,照料]; get at[想说]; put forward[提出];
2) 动词+名词:例如face the music[ 临危不惧,勇于承担责任]; foot the bill[付账]; jump the queue[插队,抢先获取某物];
3) 动词+介词 / 介词短语:例如 beat about the bush[拐弯抹角/ 旁敲侧击/ 兜圈子]; bark up the wrong tree[找错了门或错怪了人];
4) 动词+名词+介词/介词短语:例如poke one’s nose into[爱管闲事]; have a hand in[参与做];
5) 动词+形容词:例如come true[实现]; fall short[不足];

1) 形容词+ 名词:例如cold shoulder[不