
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/10 22:38:38

车顶:roof of the car
车门: door of the car
车身: cart of the car

Roof Door Body

Vehicle roof
vehicle door
automobile body


1. fastback
2. wagon top

车门: car door
1. 汽车门现在大都装有预防儿童开启的锁.
Most car doors are now fitted with child-proof locks.
2. 我的衣服被车门夹住了
My coat caught in the car door.
3. 不久何先生就会在他的十尺长四尺宽的木屋的侧门前面装一个铁门。他说那样他就可以高枕无忧了。话犹未了,一个驾车人打开车门时,猛然撞到报亭后墙,吓得报亭主人几乎魂不附体。
Soon Mr.Ho will install an iron gate across the side entrance to his10-by-4-foot stall, and then he says he will be able to sleep again. But just as he is saying this, a motorist opens a car door and bangs it against the back of the kiosk and the proprietor nearly jumps out of his skin.

1. body
2. bodywork
3. car body
4. body of car
1. 汽车车身是在这家工厂里模压成型的。
The car body is moulded in the factory.
2. 这辆新