
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/11 21:30:39


The hostess of the story male 伊 Lisa the white · class the 纳 is Be from in especially(the 凯 pull the · 奈丽 especially) the small landlord family contain four sisters, elder sister JIAN3 · BAN 纳 is especially,younger sister Mary the · class the 纳 is especially,the 凯蒂 · class the 纳 is especially the 纳 is especially with the 莱蒂娅 · class.Sister five people is monotonous and show equanimity slightly of the life accompany with two arrivals of young young mans but be suffused with to rise to have no even put out of great waves.In the objective case that the health heading up reach west(MA3 XIU ·'s Michael's method ascend) with the rich family son is a rightness of friend who be good friends with, at became friends with a town to go to work 纳 is house especially of this"five gold flowers" after, a beautiful and satisfied love story …… with"the arrogant and prejudice"
Say since the childhood that see in the original 著 , 伊 Lisa white and b