无论你来自哪个国家,无路你是哪个民族,都可以在赛场上一展风采。 翻成英语?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 08:09:09

Whatever country you may come from,whatever nation you may belong to,there is equal chance for you to show yourself in the stadium.

No matter what country you come from, no matter what nationality you are, you can show yourself on the field.

1,2楼都不错,但中和一下就好了, 个人认为民族用race比较准确。

Whatever country you come from, whatever race you belong to, you can always display yourself fully on the playground.

No matter what country you come from ,no matter what race you belong to,you can show yourself completely on the field.