
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 00:26:42
Relevance to ISD
Cognitivism refocuses research on the mind in the learning process, which the behaviorists had neglected to address. The results of cognitive theory research are widely applied in instructional technology, particularly with respect to how learners organize and synthesize information to facilitate their own learning, as well as how to teach higher order learning outcomes (analysis, synthesis, evaluation).
The discovery learning theory is a forerunner to constructivist thinking of learning and recognizes that knowledge is constructed by the learner in their own mind (i.e., knowledge structures). Instruction based on discovery learning requires a skilled facilitator and guide.
Although much of Piaget's work is no longer held in high regard, it still stands as an influential factor for understanding that children have developmental phases. Instructors can design their content to best suit the individual learner's partic

认知与认知新闻处内重新研究在学习过程中的心态, 其中behaviorists忽略处理. 认知理论研究成果广泛应用于教学技术 特别是对如何组织和综合信息,以方便学习者自身学习 以及如何教高阶学习成果(分析、综合、评价). 发现学习理论是思想的先行者,以建构学习并认识到知识是由学习者自己心目中(即 知识结构). 基于发现学习语言需要一个熟练的推动者和引导. 虽然许多皮亚杰工作不再是颇负盛名, 它作为一个有影响的因素依然了解孩子发育期. 师傅可以自己设计适合个人的学习内容的特定阶段. 维果茨基教育工作表明,最佳地学习新知识,学习领导一个是引导他们到什么地方,只是以后早已 近侧发展区. 杜拉的社会认知理论把每个教室供学生辅导员在聚光灯看看老师喜欢行为. 这个理论,即使局部可靠,具有巨大的影响巨大教导学生如何. 显然,如何看待学生的学习教育、教学和学习本身的行为模式的教员. 语言只需在个人色彩传达了教育的行为特征,而不仅仅是平原内容. 教育心理学,因为它是教今天提供极大证明信任的认知主义理论. 教学系统设计的基础,又有赖于教育心理学方法论产生方法和模式设计和提供语言.