
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/13 17:44:40
红色 一般:忠勇侠义,多为正面角色。
黑色 一般:直爽刚毅,勇猛而智慧。
紫色 一般:刚正威武,不媚权贵。
金色 一般:神仙高人。
银色 神仙,妖怪。
绿色 一般:勇猛,莽撞。
蓝色 刚强阴险。

Red stands for the peole who are brave and knightly ,and always act as good-hearted peole.

Black stands for upright and outspoken but wise peole

Purple stands for the people who are martial and upright but never serve the dignitary

Yellow stands for brave but badtempered people

Golf stands for the immortal deities

Argent stands for the goblin

Green stands for brave but obtrusive people

Blue stands for brave but cattish people

There is a red cucurbit on Mengliang's forehead ,which means that he likes drinking very much.

There are some designs of weapons which are they're good at on the faces' making of Dou Erdun , Dian Wei and so on .
