
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 07:53:36
Agreement和Consideration 是合同里面2个很重要的词 , Please give the definitions of Agreement and Consideration.


1. formal contract
a contract or arrangement, either written or verbal and sometimes enforceable by law

2. situation or act of consent
the state of having come to the same opinion or having made the same decision as somebody else, or an expression of this state
• There is general agreement about the need for better transport.
• Do we have your agreement on this issue?

3. consensus of opinion
a situation in which everyone accepts the same terms or has the same opinion
• everyone is in agreement


1. Careful thought
careful thought or deliberation
• Your application will be given the fullest consideration.
• The proposal is currently under consideration.

2. mindfulness of others
thoughtful concern for or sensitivity toward the feelings of others

3. relevant factor in assessing something