
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/18 13:28:00
洗衣机 利用电能产生机械作用来洗涤衣物的清洁电器。按其额定洗涤容量分为家用和集体用两大类。中国规定洗涤容量在6千克以下的属于家用洗衣机。家用洗衣机主要由箱体、洗涤脱水桶、传动和控制系统等组成,有的还装有加热装置。洗衣机分类主要有按操作的自动化程度分为普通型、半自动型和全自动型;按结构原理分为搅拌式、滚筒式和波轮式。①搅拌式洗衣机。通过搅拌叶连续往复摆动,带动洗涤液和洗涤物互相作用进行洗涤。②滚筒式洗衣机。在一水平放置的圆柱形盛水外筒中,套装一个可绕水平轴正反方向旋转的内筒,内筒壁上有许多小孔和几条凸筋;当内筒转动时,洗涤物随筒内的凸筋上升而后被抛下,不断翻滚摔打进行洗涤。集体、商业用洗衣机多为滚筒式机型。③波轮式洗衣机。通过洗涤桶内波轮的转动,推动洗涤液和洗涤物不断翻滚、摩擦进行洗涤。洗衣机发展趋势是电脑化、塑料化、新型化和大容量化。

Power washing machine is used to produce washing clothes clean electrical machinery role. Rated according to household washing and collective capacity into two categories. 6 kg washing capacity in China provides the following fall washing machines. Washing machines from the main box, washing dehydration barrels, transmission and control systems, but some are equipped with heating device. Washing machines are mainly classified by the degree of automation into the general operation type, semiautomatic and automatic-type; Principle into agitated by, and wave roller wheel. ① agitated washing machines. Reciprocating swing through continuous mixing Ye, co-lead role from washing liquid and washing detergent. ② washing machine. Placed in a cylindrical water level outside the box, set a positive direction revolving around the tube axis. tube wall has many holes and several rifled; When the rotating tube, the tube with the convex objects washed up and was throwing tendons, constantly rolling