
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 17:21:36
题目:Talk about the achievement of Chinese athletes in the Asian Games
要求:(Using past tens and past continuous)
Seventh Asia game is the first time Asia game that China participates in。The AGF assembly who convenes on November 16 , 1973 is expelled Taiwan from member state , is added by China.
But, in eighth Asia game Chinese, the athlete has got achievement just now.And the rifle 40 fires Chinese daughter shooting athlete Pang Li Qin from a standing position because this year's competition sets up the woman shooting project has not but has participated in masculinity competition, the athlete selected for a sports meet who defeats all males with 383 points become a favorite tale gain a champion , momentary。Making peopel happy by the same token is that Chinese high jumper Zhu Jian Hua takes that 2.33 meters of outstanding achievement have been created world high jump best result that very year , have been judged as unique this year's Asia game best athlete since i

好复杂啊~~ 大概就是这个意思把~~ "第七届亚洲游戏是首次参加亚洲比赛,中国人不受治理论坛大会召开在11月16日 台湾从1973年驱逐成员国,加上中国. 但是,在第八届亚洲游戏中, 运动员取得的成绩只是now.and火灾中40枪射击运动员庞李勤女儿的立场,因为从今年比赛设立女子射击项目,但并未参加男人味比赛 挑选运动员的体育盛会者,男性有383点战胜一切故事赢得了冠军,成为观光、 momentarymaking快乐的人,同样是中国男子跳高朱建华以2.33米的成绩,已经创造了世界最好成绩,跳高非常年 被评为独一无二今年以来在亚洲游戏最佳男运动员跳高competitionwith人的推移, 中国已参加了第十届亚洲游戏 20派遣385名运动员参加了比赛,在今年的亚洲游戏出共计 获得94枚金牌, 首次在亚洲体育英雄住世森再次与金牌. 但是, 著名体操运动员李宁,成为奥运会金牌最多的接受者达到一夕成名,但在这届以4枚金牌和银牌 " 你干吗??写作文啊??
