
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 00:03:50
3.5. Criteria for evaluating model-data fit
Fit indices assess the congruence between the data
and the model. No single fit index is advocated.
Instead, it is suggested that several be reported,
depending upon the type of analysis [50]. While the
chi-square statistic is a global test of a model’s ability
to reproduce the sample variance/covariance matrix, it
is sensitive to sample size and departures from
multivariate normality.

350. 考核标准模型数据拟合适合评估指标数据及094余间. 没有一个适合指数是提倡. 相反,它提示要报数,视种类分析[50]. 而Chi-square统计是一个全球性试验示范的生育能力的样本方差/协方差矩阵 这是敏感样本及偏离常态多元.