
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 12:03:45
<雾都孤儿》是十九世纪英国最著名的现实主义作家狄更斯的长篇小说,影响广泛、深远。 故事发生在遥远的雾都——英国,讲述的是一个孤儿的曲折故事:他刚出生,母亲就死了。在救贫院里待了10年后,在一次以外的事件中,不幸被盗贼拐走。在盗贼的驱使下,小小的就这样成为了一个扒手…… 小奥力弗冲破重重的困难,克服了人生路上的一个个艰险,终于见到了光明的未来,前途一片美好…… 这篇文章同时反映了善与恶、美与丑、正义与乖谬的斗争,赞扬了人们天性中的正直与善良,也揭露了一些慈善机构的虚伪。 阅读了《雾都孤儿》这本书,深受感动,受益非浅。

"Oliver Twist" is the reality of the most famous 19th century English writer Charles Dickens novels, wide, far-reaching. The story takes place in the distant fog -- the British have talked about the twists and turns of the story : He was an orphan from birth, his mother died. Save the poor courtyard in question after 10 years, in a case outside the unfortunate abducted by the looters. Driven by the looters, it is so small as a small olive pickpockets…… surmounting all difficulties, The one way to overcome the hardship of life, we finally see the bright future and the future is bright…… The article also reflected the good and evil, beauty and ugliness, the struggle between justice and a cynical twist, commended the people of decency and good nature. also exposes the hypocrisy of some charitable organizations. Read this book "Oliver Twist", was deeply moved and benefited much from.