
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 10:24:41
Art Deco
Heralded as “the last of the total styles”, Art Deco was certainly one of the first mass-produced styles to find an audience of mass consumers. Although it originated in the highly exclusive hand-made French decorative arts of the 1920s,it was quickly exploited through the cheap mass production of new materials-metals, plastics and glass, and found its way into cheap, ephemeral, mass-produced decorative items such as cigarette cases, perfume bottles household ceramics and glass, fashion textiles and accessories, and cocktail shakers. As a decorative style it could be applied to the forms and surfaces of any number of objects, thereby endowing them all with the same quality of instant modernity and fashionability.
Like many of this century’s popular styles, Art Deco had its roots in high culture, in these cases: Cubism, the Russian Ballet, American Indian Art and European Purism, but its appeal lay in its decorative eclecticism rather than in the significance of any o

正如这个世纪的许多流行风格一样,艺术装饰有着它高度文明的根源,在这些事件中有:立体主义,俄罗斯芭蕾舞,美国印第安文化和纯粹派,但是它的出现归究于装潢的折衷主义而不是任何一个重要的起源之一。各种因素的结合促使了它在19世纪30年代的流行。它相对的货物低价格是它伴随的廉价多产的直接原因,很明显的它的要素是使用新的材料,但是这对于它本身来说是不够的。一个进一步情况是它的象征性妥帖。这由事实经常解释它做了在豪华和奢侈的公开参考在经济萧条的期间如此提供逃避现实的形式为公众。在其中款式被也散布的方式促进它的利用的可能性和因此它的深孚众望.装饰派艺术是是例如好莱坞宁愿选择变成很多份使用受欢迎影片的款式。除了它的在作一重要的对主体环境的冲击的打包和广告业中使用,装饰派艺术也穿透建筑学的环境,装饰例如商店,电影院,工厂和甚至新奢华的定期船新广告和娱乐房产院落的正面和被使用作为在大展示中主要建筑学的款式一样好,象在芝加哥在1933年进展展示的世纪. 它来象征高效率, 现代生存和表达是高度有吸引力的对两次战争期间许多消费者的时尚性成为越来越表达他们的社会志向和状态重要手段的一种新, 扣人心弦的生活方式。