
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 18:55:49
Intraorganizational Learning

The new intraorganizational learning systems are characterized by a wider distribution of the knowledge production function (see chapter3 and Steinmueller2000b). The previous period, referred to as that of mass production, was characterized by intense specialization in knowledge production or reproduction functions within the company and between sectors. Under the new systems, knowledge production is more inclined to be distributed throughout the community. This translates into the extension of experimental forms of learning in companies, which require employees to conduct experiments in the course of their everyday productive activities in order to select the best strategy for the future (chapter3). It is not enough, however, to let people experiment. It is also necessary to establish mechanisms that will encourage these people to evaluate, document, and share their experiences. In this sense, the emergence of new learning systems in which know



新系统的特点是企业内部的学习更多的知识生产功能布局(见chapter3和steinmueller2000b). 前一时期,简称为大规模生产 在知识密集的特点是专业化生产或复制公司的职能部门之间. 根据新的制度,就是知识生产更倾向于派发到社区. 化为延伸实验教学形式公司 要求职工进行实验过程中,在日常生产活动,以选出最佳的策略,为未来(chapter3). 这是不够的,不过,为了让人们试验. 这也是要建立激励机制,这些人的评价,文件,并分享经验. 从这个意义上讲, 出现新的学习系统,更是知识生产分配集体管理知识是分不开的. 各部门之间的联系和反馈点知识产须承认和支持. 我们可以观察潜在故障反馈性知识来源于生产两个地点. 这相对隐性知识即产生于网上, 而这种知识难以纳入正规科研进程. 正式往往注重研究编纂知识(更明显). 也可以是一种恶性循环. 这一部分的股票知识以外,生产(不正式地致力于研究)或无形的默契依然. 其隐形意味着在资源配置中的学习活动,这一所在地忽视. 因此,它是资金不足、生产量低于最优. 这能产生进一步学习的数量下降是发生外,并持续到外循环位置看作是毫无贡献的先进知识. 出现这种问题也会部门案件 作为我国短套左右的薄弱教育之间的联系和反馈的专业研发和实践表明,在教师chapter8.