
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/10 21:16:33
第一, 经常关注自己的优点和成就。
第二, 多与自信的人接触和来往。
第三, 自我心理暗示,不断对自己进行正面心理强化。当你碰到困难时,一定不要放弃,坚信我能做到。
第四, 树立自信的外部形象。
第五, 保持一定的自豪感。不可过度谦虚,对自己要充满自豪感。
第六, 学会微笑。微笑会增加幸福感,进而也能增强自信心。
第七, 懂得扬长避短。在学习、生活、工作中,要经常抓住机会展现自己的优势、特长。
第八, 多阅读名人传记。
第九, 做好充分准备。从事某项活动前,如果能做好充分的准备,那么在从事活动时必然较为自信。
第十, 给自己确定恰当的目标。目标分阶段,先从小目标做起,逐渐中程目标,到远程目标,一步步让自己把事情做好,树立起自信。

Honorable leader , colleagues: In the afternoon everybody be fine! Following is that
everybody gives a lecture by me, I "how the examination questions giving a lecture
reinforces self confidence ". Be confident , it is one people to be able to reach
some sanguine sufficient kind of target estimation to self. Face to face once
personal self-confident demonstration is very important , sometimes, the people who
owns sufficient self-confidence unyielding , rises in great vigor, as a result
easier to gain every aspect than the average man success.Can say , believe in self to imply already successful
halves. But, the regretful to be a self-distrust,
people still can be seen everywhere. Does that owe the
self-confidence how science, trains self effectively
woollen cloth?
First, often show solicitude for self
merit and accomplishment. Secondly, get in touch with
self-confident people and come and go much