
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 17:02:12
Hilary and Jackie,中文名被翻译成《她比烟花寂寞》,也就自然的让人想起忧郁的画面,感伤的音乐以及缓慢的节奏。这是一个关于20世纪音乐家姐妹Jacqueline dupre的真实故事,影片讲述了她如何小小年纪就在国际上迅速成名,而她的名气却伤害了她以及她所爱的人。
当Jackie得到那把“大为杜夫”时,也同时得到了一句话:“it will give you the world,but you must give it yourself”这更是像一句咒语让jackie陷入无边的孤寂,这是对Jackie生命的暗示,也恰恰是她生命的必然。她想时刻跟姐姐在一起,可是成为平凡人的姐姐,已经拥有了平凡人的幸福:深爱她的丈夫,活泼可爱的儿女,简单淡然却幸福无比。从小就跟姐姐分享一切的她,不管要什么都能从姐姐那里得到。于是,她提出了一个荒诞无比的要求,同时也使影片进入了高潮---要求分享姐姐的丈夫!Jackie有自己的丈夫Dannel,但他只爱拉大提琴的Jackie,可悲的是Jackie除了拉大提琴什么也不会。于是,这一切都让她对姐姐有了依靠心理。
绚烂如烟花绽放在世界的舞台,而烟花燃尽却只剩下漆黑的天幕。想起Hilary曾说:if you didn’t have that cello to pop you

Hilary and Jackie, the Chinese name is translated into " she is more lonely than the fireworks ", the just natural one lets people remember the melancholy picture, sad music and slow rhythm. This is that one, about musician and sister Jacqueline dupre's true story of the 20th century, the film told how young she became famous rapidly in the world, her reputation has injured the person who she and she love. The whole film lets people feel loneliness and sorrow difficult to already mediate, the same as Jackie, but her loneliness is deeper, it is more thorough to be sad. This girl while as a child eager to do well in everything, in order to share the magnificent ring of light with the elder sister who blows the flute who is praised as " talent ", then crazy exercise. While having a class, while sleeping, while having a meal. . . . . What sought to elder sister was surmounted in one's own loneliness. This kind of loneliness encourages her to get everything th