
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 06:50:06
take the place of 与instead of 的区别,还有join 与join in 与take part in 的区别,急,请快回答!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
问下:take the place of 前面什么词性的单词或短语,instead of 前面是什么词性的单词或短语。

take the place of是 取代(动词)
instead of是“代替”或者“而不是”
注意,instead of是介词词组,但很多人初学都会错当成动词词组用。
e.g. 1.Instead of catching fish,they catch old boots and rubbish.
2.Today, I went to school by bus instead of by bike.

至于join,join in和take part in嘛,
join in和take part in没什么区别。
join和join in的用法:
1.加入某项活动,用join in
e.g. join us in the game
3.加入某个组织用join the army ,join the Party

take the place of是动词短语,表示:取代……的位置,如:
He took the place of mine as the manager.
Now computers have taken the place of many old things.

instead of是介词短语,表示“而不是……”,如:
Instead of staying at home, he went out to play football.
He went to the lecture instead of me.

join in 参加 较口语化,后接参加的活动
take part in 参加,最常用

还有一个类似的词组是participate in 这个是较正式的参加

我个人的感觉是join in 有主观乐意参与的意思,take part in 有客观要参加的意思~