
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 03:45:46


至于,日语, 入门比较简单,词汇量很大。


呵呵~~~~ 阿拉伯语不了解,给不了建议了

what! if you haven't learnt english well, why learn another language? it would be ludicurous!
probabaly you know. obviously english is the lingua franca. if you haven't really master english properly. never try to talk about janpanese, french,spanish. arabian.and you name it.
frankly, i personally have dabbled in english, french, and janpannese. so i suggest my humble advice will be helpful to you.
nowadays. dilettantes would never work. only the "experts" prevail and survive. do you agree me. but on the other hand, if you just want to learn a foreign language for the sake of learning it . so you can relex.
from my personal experience, the french is more complicated and confusing in grammer and the french also have word defined in two categaries: masculine and feminine
as far as japanese co