
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 16:58:05
Some companies classify the anticipated sales revenue as cash or credit sales and by geographical regions, territories, or salespersons.
The production budget shows the units that must be produced to meet anticipated sales. Production requirements are determined from the following formula.
A realistic estimate of ending inventory is essential in scheduling production requirements. Excessive inventories in one quarter may lead to cutbacks in production and employee layoffs in a subsequent quarter. On the other hand, inadequate inventories may result either in added costs for overtime work or in lost sales. Hayes Company believes it can meet future sales requirements by maintaining an ending inventory equal to 20 percent of the next quarter’s budgeted sales volume. For example, the ending finished goods inventory for the first quarter is 700 units (20%*anticipated second-quarter sales of 3,500 units).


有些公司的销售收入预计将现金或信用销售和地域,不分地区,或售货员. 生产budegt列预算制作单位必须制作以应付预期销售量. 生产要求从下列公式确定. 实际库存估计结局是必不可少的生产调度需求. 存货过多可能导致削减四分之一的生产和职工的下岗,在随后的四分之一. 在另一方面,库存不足,可能导致成本增加无论加班或失去销售. 海斯公司认为它可满足未来需求的新销售保持同等结束20%的库存 下一季度的预算销售量. 例如,截至第一季的产成品库存为700个单位(20%*预计第二季度销售3500个单位).