
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 21:32:24
Demand Management
By examining the relationships among the various forms of demand and income, Keynes was able to explain the Great Depression in a way which neoclassical economists could not. A collapse of investment spending brought consumer spending down with it. And with low levels of consumer spending, it was unlikely that investment spending would soon recover. An auto company that is only running at 50% of capacity has no reason to build new factories. But Keynesian economics went far beyond simply being able to explain depressions and recessions. If government policy could affect the sizes of the leakages (taxes, savings and imports) and/or the injections (investment spending, government spending and exports), then aggregate demand could be managed. Demand could be purposely increased in a recession or depression and purposely reduced when over-full employment was leading to inflation. Government policies to manage demand fall into four areas: fiscal policy, monetary polic

通过检查在各种不同形式的需求和收入之中的关系, Keynes 能够在一定程度上解释经济大萧条而这是新古典主义的经济学者无法做到的。 投资开支的崩溃带来消费性开支以滑落。 而且与低度消费性开支,它不太可能投资开支会很快复原。 正在只有在能力的 50% 跑的一家汽车公司没有理由建立新的工厂。 但是凯因斯主义者经济学超过只是能够遥远地去解释沮丧和后退。 如果政府政策可以影响漏 (税、储蓄和进口货) 的大小以及/ 或注入 (投资开支、政府开支和输出品) ,那么合计的要求可能被处理。 要求可能故意地是一个后退或者沮丧的增加而且故意地减少当在-之上完全雇用正在对通货膨胀带领。 政府政策处理要求秋天进入四个区域: 财政的政策、货币政策, 贸易政策、和收入分配政策。