这也是关于游戏的英文 翻译下

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 13:22:47
Hey everyone,

First of all, we appreciate that the forums are a lot easier to go through now. Other members of the WR team have been reading the forums, and several of them have commented to me that it\'s really positive to see such a strong and supportive community, especially after a shaky launch. On my end as community manager, it\'s become a LOT easier for me to sort through the forums and figure out what needs to be done and communicated to the team. Thanks!!

Our first priority is still the sound engine. The patches we\'ve gotten from DE so far have been kind of iffy, as we still get exe crashes. We\'re still hopeful that we\'ll be able to get it fixed by the end of the week.

Xixax is still hard at work on the clan system, and it sounds like we\'re very close to being able to release the basic web version of it soon (so you can register clans, have a clan page, and so forth). It won\'t be int

首先,我们明白了许多场合都容易办理. 西队的其他成员已阅读论坛 几位来评论我认为\国真的看到这样一个强大而正面的支持, 尤其在摇轮. 在我结束作为社区经理 资讯\的我变得轻松多了一种通过论坛和弄清需要做些什么 并传达给球队. 感谢! ! 我们首要的还是引擎声. 我们的大棚\'尝味从德迄今已种iffy,我们依然有可执行坠毁. 我们\'我们仍希望再\'剑定能获得最后的一周. xixax仍在努力工作的氏族、 这听起来像我们\'即将可以重新释放它的基本网络版即将(做 你可以登记部族,部族有页,等等). 它赢得了\'笔融入游戏,但 但整个系统将逐步成为他继续发展. 所以再次代表队战摇滚乐,谢谢您的耐心、理解和支持! 我们\'当地继续工作方式喝太多的不眠之夜和rockstar/红牛/什么、 我\'剑继续气田的论坛和更新后,每当我看.