翻译:Bloomsbury even released an adult edition of the Harry Potter novels witi an adult cover.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/14 09:34:01
这是前后文:Others Kidults(童心未泯的人)still enjoy children's stories and fairy tales.For example,Bloomsbury even released an adult edition of the Harry Potter novels witi an adult cover.That way,no one else on the subway will know that an adult is actually reading a children's book.

release 是出版的意思


Bloomsbury even released an adult edition of the Harry Potter novels witi an adult cover.

bloomsbury还出版了个成年版的Harry Potter书,有成年人的书面。。

Bloomsbury even released an adult edition of the Harry Potter novels witi an adult cover.

其中:release 发表,出版
不是 witi,你肯定打错了,是with(含有,带有)
这句可以这样理解,介词短语with an adult cover作后置定语修饰Harry Potter novels.

release 发表,出版
应该是with 不是witi
