
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 06:52:13

Deng xiao ping was born on August 22 1904 in Sichuan Province,he has been to France to study in 1920,and seven years later he came back,he is one of the important leaders in Chinese Revolution,he made a great contribution of the found of china,his reform policy let china into a thriving and prosperous road,raise the living level of chinese people,and made the Hongkong and Maocow return,he died in 1997

Deng Xiaoping was born in Sichuan Province, 22 August 1904,France in 1920 to study,1927 home, and an important leader of the Chinese revolution, To make a significant contribution to the founding of new China, he embarked on a revolutionary opening up policies, China has a prosperous, strong path. raise the standard of living of the Chinese people, and Hong Kong and Macao returned to the embrace of the motherland in 1997 death

xiao ping teng