
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 21:42:19
尊敬的领导:您好!我是XX大学XX专业的一名本科毕业生。通过对贵公司的一些初步了解,本人有意加盟贵公司,为公司进一份力。为便于公司对我的了解,现自我简介如下。大学四年,是我来之不易的学习机会。在这大好时光里,我本着学好本专业,尽量扩大知识面,并加强能力锻炼的原则,大量汲取知识财富,锻炼了自己的各种能力。我努力的学习基础课,认真学习专业知识。同时,我还根据自己的兴趣,自学了一些计算机课程,软件设计的基础知识,计算机故障的排除,病毒木马的手动清楚等,使自己不仅成为一个合格的技术人才,而且努力成为一个知识全面,涉猎广泛的全方位人才。我比较注重英语口语的学习,可以比较流畅的进行日常用语对话。目前,我已掌握了C语言、等计算机语言及Microsoft Office等应用软件,学习了VHDL,ABLE硬件语言,对FPGA,CPLD,MATLAB也有初步的了解。对计算机硬件我略有特长,可以手动排除一些计算机故障。并打算加强自己在网络方面的知识。利用课余时间,我还多次参加各种文体活动,锻炼了自己的交际能力。参加各种兴趣小组,将所学用于实践,加强了自己的动手能力。“宽以待人、洁身自好”是我的处世原则;“精益求精、勇于进取”是我的精神信念;“兢兢业业、不断创新”是我的工作方式。我自信我的能力和热情使我能胜任贵公司的技术开发或计算机硬件方面的工作。希望公司给我一次参加面试的机会,我在此静候佳音。谢谢!
1 2 4楼的纯属扯淡,当我没学过英语吗? 怎么说我也过了四级了,以为我看不懂啊,找个翻译软件弄的词不达意,我要是把你们那玩意交上去了这工作还能找到吗???三楼的兄弟还算敬业.不过我有几个问题提问一下: to expand their knowledge, ability and training to strengthen the principle of absorb the wealth of knowledge, tempered their capabilities. 后面的那个training to是不是要换成to train to?前面是不定式后面怎么成ING式了呢?后面的tempered有是不是一个语法错误?

Your honorable leaders,
Please receive my best regards. I am a graduate from XX university majored in XX. Based on the preliminary understanding of your company a desire rose up in my mind. That is to be a member of yours and to make my own contribution. In order to have a good mutual understanding between us I would like to make a brief self-introduction. It is the four years of study in university that I cherish most. During the valuable period of time I insist on the principle of good mastering of my major,working all out to broaden my horizon and intensifying the training of my abilities, absorbing the treasure of knowledge and putting all my capacities into practice. I work hard on the basic courses and major ones. Meanwhile under the consideration of my interest I learned some courses about computer, software design,trouble shooting and manual removal of Trojan Virus which make me not only be qualified as a technical talent but also the one with comprehensive knowledge an