
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/09 16:34:26

你强啊,但不都是经典的 经典的是 后窗 精神病患者 群鸟 蝴蝶梦 这些才是经典

·《群鸟》The Birds
·《西北偏北》North by Northwest
·《伸冤记》The Wrong Man
·《擒凶记》The Man Who Knew Too Much
·《怪尸案》The Trouble With Harry
·《捉贼记》To Catch a Thief
·《后窗》Rear Window
·《电话谋杀案》Dial M for Murder
·《忏情记》I Confess
·《欲海惊魂》Stage Fright
·《帕拉亭案件》The Paradine Case
·《贵妇失踪记》The Lady Vanishes
·《年轻姑娘》Young and Innocent


1. Number 13 (1922) 13号
2. Always Tell Your Wife (1923)
3. The Pleasure Garden (1926) 欢乐花园
4. The Mountain Eagle (1926)
5. The Lodger (1926)
6. The Ring (1927)
7. Easy Virtue (1927)
8. Downhill (1927)
9. The Farmer's Wife (1928)
10.Champagne (1928)
11.The Manxman (1929)
12.Sound Test for Blackmail (1929)