
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/11 16:24:04
湖北省2006年高考英语试题84小题的正确答案是others,但是句子不通。others thought是定语从句中的插入语,那么定语从句的主语that/ which可以省略吗?这是否是一个错题?
Her strength made me stronger and gave to me 83

courage to try things other thought were impossible. 84

先来分析一下84题所在的句子(They made me stronger and gave me courage to try things others thought were impossible. )的结构:此句是复合句,主句是They made me stronger and gave me courage to try things ,其中主语是They,含有并列谓语made --- and gave --。made后带了复合宾语,me是宾语,stronger是宾语补足语。gave 后带了双宾语,me是间接宾语,courage是直接宾语。to try things 是动词不定式作目的状语。others thought were impossible是定语从句,修饰前面的先行词things 。先行词things在其后的定语从句中充当thought 的宾语,impossible作宾语补足语,故were多余,应去掉。think是一个可带形容词或名词(短语)作宾语补足语的动词。例:

I thought him too old for the work. (我认为他太老了,不适合那工作。)

We think it possible that he will pass the exam.(我们认为他有可能考及格。)

She thinks herself a great pianist. (她自认为是个伟大的钢琴家。)

当然,先行词things 也可理解为在其后的定语从句中充当谓语动词thought后所带宾语从句的主语,这样就应在others 前补充关系代词that或 which,而且不能省略。类似的例句如下:

I suggest you choose someone who you think is kind and friendly.

What we used to think was impossible now does seem possible.