
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/12 15:35:34


Italian [Capuchin, cappuccino (from the resemblance of its color to the color of the monk's habit)] * see capuchin
意大利语 [嘉布遣会修道士,卡帕其诺浓咖啡(得名于它的颜色与嘉布遣会修士的道衣颜色的相似)] *参见 capuchin

The history of the word cappuccino exemplifies how words can develop new senses because of resemblances that the original coiners of the terms might not have dreamed possible. The Capuchin order of friars, established after 1525, played an important role in bringing Catholicism back to Reformation Europe. Its Italian name came from the long, pointed cowl, or cappuccino, derived from cappuccio, “hood,” that was worn as part of the order's habit. The French version of cappuccino was capuchin (now capucin ), from which came English Capuchin. The name of this pious order was later used as the name (first recorded in English in 1785) for a type of monkey with a tuft of black, cowllike hair. In Italian cappuccino went on to develop another sense, “espress