
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/18 07:51:22




The Piano God
  Anne C., Concord, MA

  The golden melodies float through the air

  taking my breath away and thrilling me

  from head to toe. Shivers of delight

  course through my body as my God,

  my black and ivory savior speaks.

  Sometimes It roars in anger, or sings in prayer.

  It screams with excitement or floats with thoughts

  of love and peace. Only the priest, his hands

  flying over his alter, can make It speak

  as he wants It to. Silence from my God,

  and my shrine fills with the thunder of

  mere mortals praising my God, and His priest.

  My Piano
  By Elan.S
  As I listen to the sounds
  I can feel what they mean
  I have the power
  To have a conversation with myself
  By softly tapping on a mix
  Of black and white keys
  It can act as an inspiration
  To make me exhilarate