
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 10:34:04
请问一下,我是纯文科生,就是语数英史地政学得很不错但物理化学学得不太好的那种.如果想高二结束后去加拿大读书,是否适合我这种文科好的学生?那边会不会偏理科(我妈说会的- -+).那么大学有什么好的专业关于文科的?

I do not think it is really good idea to do your high school in canada.

But the thing you are worried about is totally unnecesssary.

As long as you are not TOO bad physics and chemistry, there woudl be no problem for you.

If money is not a problem for you,and Englihs is nnot a problem either, then there is really nothing to worry about.

maths and physics are really easy,, you do not have to study them if you do not want to..

Any canadian high school is not bad, as long as they are not too many chinese students.. good language environment should be important

May you be mindful and liberated from suffering.

Namo amituofo

中国人过去学文很不合算也 你再好 用英文读 读的过人家外国人马?还是人家的母语 又是人家的强项 唉