英语高手来翻译下关于黄家驹的小短文啊 急用!!!!!!!!!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 06:32:04
我非常喜欢BEYOND乐队的主唱黄家驹,我从小学就开始听他的歌到现在,因为他写过并演唱过许多动听的歌曲,而且他的歌曲非常具有内涵 ,充满爱!

I really loved the band's lead singer BEYOND outlook, I started to listen to his songs from the primary to now, He wrote and sang many beautiful songs, and his songs have great meaning. filled with love! He could have passed away, but the spirit of BEYOND transcend self-worth, I will never learn. I love BEYOND memory Jiaju.