All this data is confidential company business The company would like to be able to fol-

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 16:52:12
All this data is confidential company business
data. The company would like to be able to fol-
low this model but not at the cost of someone
being able to get to this data. Engineering might
send some designs, marketing might send some
customer information and finance might have
some pricing data -all very useful for the com-



所有这数据都是公司机要事务数据。公司想得到这些数据模型,但不是以某人的费用就能得到这些数据。工程学可能送一些设计, 营销也许送一些客户信息、财务也许有一些定价的数据。这些在竞争上都非常有用。