
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 07:20:18
《永别了武器》中海明威描写的亨利与当时成千上万的美国热血青年一样,听信资产阶级的“和平”“正义”和“自由”的战争宣传,怀着崇高的理想和信念参加了战争,成为了资产阶级争夺利益的工具。然而战争却是一个屠宰场,没有正义只有血腥和对成千上万的生命的摧残。《永别了武器》这一段中 only”这一个字就可见了战争中生命的廉价,而这廉价还是被资产阶级所欺骗的,不是为他们当初的理想而付出的。理想与现实的大相径庭和对死亡的恐惧,使这些年轻人不安和痛苦,于是他们寻找刺激和乐趣,他们下酒馆,进赌场,逛妓院,玩爱情游戏,亨利就是其中一个 [1]亨利在前线,真切的感受到了战争,他原先的理想被击破,他原来的精神支柱在动摇,他利用感情来对抗自己内心的彷徨。但是后来亨利受伤转入米兰医院治疗,治疗期间他彻底的认清了军功和荣誉的虚伪,看到了战争的欺骗性,在此期间他也彻底的爱上了凯瑟琳,爱情成了亨利新的精神支柱,亨利从凯瑟琳的关心与体贴重获了生活的希望,对生活的玩世不恭变成了对爱情的忠贞不渝。战争让他消沉,但他出于军人的职责,伤愈后亨利还是返回了前线,途中遭遇意军大溃败,亨利本没有开小差逃跑,但是却因为口音不纯,被怀疑是德国奸细被就地处决,一瞬间,亨利所有的憧憬和信念都崩溃了,彻底认清了战争及资本主义的真面目,他往日伟大的理想粉碎了,亨利逃离了战场,他把一切都寄托在了凯瑟琳身上,他们逃离到了瑞士,过上了一段幸福的日子,但是好景不长,凯瑟琳的难产让亨利又陷入了彷徨与无助,现实总与理想无法结合。亨利的情绪与状态正是战后年轻一代的情绪与状态,迷惘而颓废,虽极力与战争,社会抗争,却最终还是失去了生活的方向。

Henry whom Hemingway described is like hundreds and thousands of ardent youths of U.S.A. at that time while " saying goodbye to the weapon forever ", " peace " " justice " and " free war " of believing the capitalist class are propagated, has participated in the war cherishing lofty ideal and faith, have become a tool which the capitalist class fights for the interests with. But the war is a slaughterhouse , there is no justice only bloody and wrecking to hundreds and thousands of lives. " " this section hit only " this word can see the low price of the life in the war to say goodbye to the weapon forever, and this low price is cheated by the capitalist class , do not pay for their original ideal. The fear of dying far from each other of the ideal and reality, make these young people uneasy and painful, then they look for stimulating and enjoyment, they go to the public house , enter the gambling house, strolling in the brothel,