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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/31 20:24:51

内容提要: 谈到英国17世纪伟大的诗人约翰•弥尔顿,首先出现在脑海里的便是他的长诗《失乐园》。弥尔顿的《失乐园》,荷马的《伊里亚特》,但丁的《神曲》这三部作品同是被视为西方文学史上最杰出的史诗典范。同时,与《失乐园》一样,弥尔顿的另外两部作品《复乐园》《力士参孙》都是取材于《圣经》故事。弥尔顿引用《圣经》典故之多令人惊叹。诗人在创作的时候随时都能联想到上帝的教诲,《圣经》的典故等。但弥尔顿不仅仅是引用了圣经中的故事和人物,他还对其进行了加工创作,赋予了这些取材于《圣经》的故事新的意义,颠覆了人们熟悉的《圣经》故事。如果在阅读弥尔顿作品前没有了解《圣经》,会有如坠云雾的感觉。但是通过阅读弥尔顿的作品又不难发现他的作品与他本人又有莫大的联系,以下便通过弥尔顿的部分作品分析,来对他的作品与《圣经》之间联系来做一些探讨。

On Milton's works and the "Bible"
Synopsis : Speaking of the great 17th century British poet John Milton. He is the first in the minds of the long poem "Paradise Lost". Milton's "Paradise Lost", Homer's "Iliad" Dante's "Divine Comedy," with three works of Western literature and history which is regarded as the most outstanding example of the epic. Meanwhile, "Lost Paradise", Milton's other two films "Paradise," "Samson Agonistes," are drawn from the "Bible" stories. Milton cited as the "Bible" stories astounding. Creation of the poet can always think of God's teachings, such as the "Bible" stories. But Milton is not just quoting the Bible stories and characters, he also carried out the creative process. These are based on the "Bible" have given new meaning to the story, people familiar with the subversion of the "Bible" of th