请翻译 如下这句话 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 22:59:30
奖学金表明中澳双方共同致力于加强两国间在高品质教育和研究领域的合作。 澳大利亚也将从中获益匪浅,在这批中国奖学金获得者的帮助下,澳方可以加深对中国的了解,为未来两国间建立更加紧密的合作关系和人际联系创造机遇。

谢谢! 写论文急需用!!!请大家帮忙准确地道的翻译! THANKS!!!

The scholarship indicated Australia devote together to strengthensbetween both countries in the high quality education and the researcharea cooperation. Australia also will obtain benefits vulgar, in underthis batch of China holder of grant's help, 澳方 will be allowed todeepen to China the understanding, will establish the closercooperation relations and the interpersonal relation creationopportunity for future both countries between.