畜牧学方面 英译汉

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:45:56
Emanuele Boselli 7 Maria Fiorenza Caboni
Giovanni Lercker

Extraction and purification of free cholesterol from some egg-containing food by on-line supercritical fluid extraction –solid-phase extraction
Received: 24 January 2000 / Revised version: 17 April 2000
Abstract Two methods for the extraction and determination of free cholesterol in some egg-containing food samples were compared: the classical Soxhlet method and a supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (at 338 bar and 40 7C) coupled on-line with solid-phase extraction (SPE with a solid trap packed with an ODS stationary phase). Egg noodles, biscuits and sweet snacks were homogenised and added to the internal standard and anhydrous sodium sulphate. Part of each sample was extracted by on-line supercritical fluid extraction– solid-phase extraction (SFE-SPE) and the remaining part was extracted by the classical method using petroleum ether. A further purification after the Soxhlet extraction was performe

Emanuele Boselli 7 玛丽亚・Fiorenza Caboni Giovanni Lercker 自由胆固醇的提取和洗净从一些蛋包含的食物由网上超临界可变的提取- 固体阶段提取 接受: 1月24 日2000 年/修证本: 2000 年4月17 日 摘要二方法为自由胆固醇的提取和决心在一些蛋包含的食品样本被比较了: 古典索格利特方法和超临界二氧化碳提取(在338 个酒吧和40 7C) 在网上结合了与固体阶段提取(SPE 与一个坚实陷井被包装以ODS 固定相) 。蛋面条、饼干和甜快餐均匀了和增加了来内部标准和无水硫酸钠。一部分的各个样品由网上超临界可变的提取固体阶段提取提取了(SFE-SPE) 并且剩余部份由古典方法提取了使用石油醚。进一步洗净在索格利特提取以后由SPE 执行了。自由胆固醇被确定了在离线索格利特SPE 分数和网上SFE-SPE 萃取物以血丝气相色谱在silylation 以后。二个提取方法给了近似结果。但是, 网上SFESPE 代表一个合法的选择对索格利特方法因为它显示重要好处, 譬如短分析时间和低溶剂消耗量。