
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 01:02:13
As shown in chapters 6 and 7, another advantage of approaching population movements and language contacts from the point of view of colonization style is the light it sheds on language endangerment. In Africa, Europe, and the Americas it is assimilationist settlement colonization that has led to the attrition and/or loss of the more indigenous African, Celtic, and Native American languages. In exploitation colonies, the colonial languages adopted as elite lingua francas have not endangered the indigenous languages. Rather, it is indigenous lingua francas like Swahili, Lingala, and Hausa which have gained more and more speakers at the expense of ethnic vernaculars. An important reason for this is that these lingua francas are ethnographically integrative, whereas the European colonial languages have been segregative. Although they have enabled crossnational communication, as among the anglophone or francophone countries of Africa, such bridging has been only at the level of the elite an

如第6章和第7章所显示,接近人口运动和语言联络的另一好处.从它在语言危害发出殖民化样式的观点是看。 在非洲、欧洲和美洲它是assimilationist导致了更加土产的非洲,凯尔特语和美国本地人语言的损耗和损失的解决殖民化。 在开发殖民地,殖民地语言被采取当精华混合语未危及当地语言。 相反,它是土产混合语象牺牲种族vernaculars越来越获取了报告人的斯瓦希里语、Lingala和豪萨人。 一个重要原因是这些混合语是ethnographically综合的,而欧洲殖民地语言segregative。 虽然他们使能跨国通信,和在非洲的以英语为母语或说法文者的国家之中,这样跨接仅在精华的水平和排除了那些地区的人口的多数。 为人口的大量在世界的这部分,经济不在西部全球性模型,对工作的通入,地方流动性和crossethnic综合化继续部分取决于土产混合语。 这些是在欧洲和美洲的前解决殖民地导致了语言损耗和损失的同样因素,如果我们不介意假设对一样远的后面的这透视及时象现在拉丁文的国家的殖民化由Romans和英国的入侵由德国人口。 为什么英国的诺曼底规则没有罗马化这殖民地在卢旺达和布隆迪语言该当调查,和班图人口的Nilotic入侵的事例一样多,当地语言- Kinyarwanda和Kirundi -战胜。 从生态学透视,它应该是情报的再检查语言演变在欧洲和在别处从殖民化观点。 发生语言学站立受益于这样方法。