帮我 用英语写下面的一段文字 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 12:59:40
他不高 教自然科学的 脾气却很好虽然40多了 很亲切
我是他的特别关注对象 因为我的自然科学很垃圾 所以老师帮我补课
每次他补课 不管天气好坏 都是照常的
我有时候很不理解 为什么他要这么认真
他笑笑 我的学生 我要教好
是他让我明白 只要努力就可以成功 我很感谢他

请不要用翻译器翻译 看的出来
我会追加分 谢谢 请大家帮帮忙
机器翻译的 请滚开 谢谢 别浪费时间

Isn't very deep to the teacher's impression in my memory
However very special to a teacher's memory of senior high school
He not the temper of Gao Jiao's natural science but very good although 40 many very benignity
I am his special concern object because of my natural science very garbage so the teacher make up missed lesson for me
Every time his making up missed lesson to ignore all of the weather qualities be as usual
My sometimes very not comprehension why he want so earnest
He smile my student and teach good
BE him to let I understand want ~only effort can success I thank him very much

上面是机器翻译的。。He not the temper of Gao Jiao's natural这都拿出来了。。