我和我男朋友准备7月在美国结婚, 但是对以后签证和申请绿卡有一些问题

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/18 09:51:35
我男朋友是美国公民, 我们4年前认识的, 那时侯我在美国做交流学生. 现在我在英国读大学, 他在美国读书. 我们都还是学生, 但是我们今年夏天准备在美国注册结婚(我现在有一年的B1/B2). 但是注册以后我还要回英国完成我我大学最后一年.我们希望在2008年我毕业的时候能顺利的去美国. 我们不久前才决定结婚, 之前也没有了解结婚后申请移民有些什么程序. 今天我在官方网站上简单了解了一下, 除了APPLY I-130 FORM以外还有一个AFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT. 我们都是学生, 没有固定的收入, 是不是说我男朋友没有很STRONG的资金证明, 我就不能申请移民啊? 如果是的话, 大家有没有什么好的建议也请告诉我.
问题补充:有朋友说可以找其他人, 找男朋友的家人担保, 是不是真的呢?那找其他人担保是不是也是同样的申请方式和同样的表格呢?

1. affidavit of support is the hardest in most of the immigration case that the applican has no jobs, yes, you are able to get your friends or relative to do it, but your husband need to fill up the form as well, find a family with less family member and high imcome is the best, because very head counts.

2. The final decision is yours, but if it is up to me, I will try to stay in USA once I get there this summer, unless, he will go to UK with you, to me, a family should stay together no matter what, the procedure can be very complicated, you may not able to get to USA once you are in the application for immigration, and you two have to suffer the apart for a while, I will use the time in the USA this summer , to look for a universtiy that willing to accept you and transfer most of the credit from UK to USA, still get your degree next year, beside you are going to stay in USA, a US degree is much better than a UK degree.

p.s. I assume you are able to read engli