
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 03:30:18
1. 不要把教学变成 “花架子”
2. 不要将一种方法的优越性绝对化

五 结束语

多元智能理论应用到小学英语教育中来,应该可以让学生学习英语变得轻松有趣,在学英语的同时,锻炼了其他的能力,让学生学会积极主动的学习.多种智能的共同发展,也会改变许多学生高分低能的现象. 但是,要正确借鉴多元智能理论并不容易,东西方文化和教育制度的巨大差异是主要的原因.所以.想要多元智能更好的服务于我国小学英语教学,广大的英语教师门还会有很长的路要走..

1. Do not want to become the " stand for flowerpots son" to the teaching
The purpose of the teaching is let student academic association study, academic association knowledge.The diverse teaching that scenario turn gets away from to pass by I read the mode that you learn, but stimulate to also should have degree.Did not value the form but neglected the substance.Classroom at active, do not remember the knowledge to also is useless.So the student should carry on the back of or carry on the back, should read of have to read still.
2. Do not want to turn absolutely the superior of a kind of method
Each a student various intellective developments is not balanced, the someone or other music intelligence is strong, someone counts the rational canning be outstanding, can't
Use an united of the standard request has student.Outstanding intelligence that toes discovers each student, teach according to his ability, let student academic association from