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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 11:15:00
Building a Critical Process

Information audits don't seem to arouse the same interest -- and anxiety -- as their financial counterparts. Why is that? Is it because financial or performance audits are cloaked in senior management or, in the case of public libraries, board support? Is it because the results and recommendations of a financial audit are not only heard but heeded and often immediately implemented? Why is this rarely the case for information audits? Is it because people still view 'information' as soft and intangible that information audits are frequently met with a "ho-hum...yeah OK" attitude?

Nevertheless the information audit is beginning to be taken seriously and to take its place as a critical process for the management of information. After all, shouldn't a process that "is a systematic examination of information use, resources, and flows, with a verification by reference to both people and existing documents, i

建设进程中关键的审计信息似乎并不引起同样的兴趣--与焦虑--作为其财务 同行. 为什么会这样? 是否因为财务或绩效审计是趁着高级管理人员,或在公共图书馆 主板支持? 是因为会议的结果和建议进行财务审计,不仅听到,但注意,常常是立即 实施? 为什么会有这种少见的病例资料审计? 这是因为人们仍然认为, '信息'软与无形的资料,审计工作往往是在人民大会堂会见了"泰-哼哼... "的态度如何? 尽管如此信息审计开始受到重视,并采取了作为关键工艺 对信息的管理. 毕竟,应该不是一个过程, "是一个有系统的研究,利用信息资源和流向 同核查参照双方人民和现有的文件, 为了确定它们在何种程度上促进了组织的目标" ( 100~150 )被视为关键 为界,声称对信息管理--信息界? 我们这样认为. 在提交研讨会的议题和参加信息审计组织在过去几年里, 我们看到,批判这些审计图书馆和整个组织. 尽管如此,我们知道,审计是不被视为一个动态的战略过程中,许多图书馆或组织, 也不是所有的新闻专业人员. 资料审核,获得应有的承认作为一个"关键过程"为界, 我们需要更好地了解什么阻碍他们使用现在和什么样的前途.