If I have one million yuan···

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 16:25:51

If I have one million yuan, I will probably save half of it, which is about 500 thousand. This will leave me with another 500 thousand to spend. I will donate 100 thousand to a famous charity organisation first, as helping the needy is always what I hope to do. Then maybe use another 100 thousand to bring my whole family to travel around the world in 2 years time. We will visit as many countries as possible and take many many photos. The remaining 300 thousand, I will use it to renovate my house and make it into my dream home. I will like to have a computer, a television, and a massage chair in every room. I will also buy a car for my father and my mother. My sister can have as many shoes as she like and I can have a maid each for everyone of us in the house.