
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 09:30:13
摘要:本次毕业设计的任务是进行某三级公路施工图设计(K5+600~K7+000)。根据我国的《公路自然区划标准》,湖南属于江南丘陵过湿区(IV5),大陆季风型湿润气候,春秋温和,夏热冬寒,四季分明,光照充足,雨量充沛,多年平均降雨量为1200~1500mm,春夏多暴雨,4~8月份年降雨量子60%以上,8月份以后降雨量减少,年平均气温16.5度一月份最低气温4.3度,七月份最高气温29度。全线按山岭重丘区三级公路修建,设计车速为30km/ h,路幅为整体式断面,路幅布置为:路基宽度为7.5m,双向2车道,土路肩为2×0.50m,行车道2×3.25m。设计洪水频率为1/25。沿线砂石丰富,砂质好,石料主要为石灰岩,质量可靠,运输便利。
1. 路基的纵断面、横断面的设计及土石方的计算和调配
2. 路基、路面排水工程设计、防护工程
3. 涵洞设计
4. 路面结构设计及附属设施

Abstract : This graduation design task is to conduct a three highway construction design (K5+600~K7+000). According to China's "natural divisions highway standards," Hunan is hilly and wet Jiangnan (FROM) mainland-humid monsoon climate, mild spring and autumn, summer heat Standard Specification, four distinct seasons, light enough and bountiful rainfall average rainfall 1200~1500mm spring, summer, heavy rainstorms, 4-8 months, the rainfall-more than 60%, in August after rainfall, The annual average temperature in January was 16.5 degrees minimum temperature of 4.3 degrees, the highest temperature in July was 29. On the full range of Mountainous Area 3 highway construction, design speed 30km/ h, the rate of the overall road-section. Road layout of the sites : roadbed width of 7.5m, two two-way lanes, the Land shoulder of 2 × 0.50m. lane 2 × 3.25m. Design flood frequency of 1:250. Abundant along the gravel, sand, and stone mainly limestone, reliable, and transport facili