
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 21:13:26
【摘要】 翻开张爱玲的作品,扑面而来的是一幅幅色彩斑斓的画面。这位民国时期的临水照花人有着天才的艺术感觉,其对色彩的把握业已达到炉火纯青、登峰造极的境界。她极善于根据她独特的感觉来调配笔下的颜色,通过对不同颜色的搭配及对颜色的反主流意义的改写不动声色地把笔下的人物或场景形象地展示在读者面前,将平常人一瞬而过的感觉用大段色彩描述、细腻、形象、具体地凝固起来。本文将对张爱玲喜爱使用色彩语言的原因,张爱玲色彩运用的独特之处以及色彩语言在张爱玲作品中所起的重要作用做简要的介绍。
【关键词】张爱玲 色彩 语言

Read the works of Zhang Ailing, the area is a colorful picture sites. In this period of near water as flowers has artistic genius feeling that their grasp of color has been achieved seeing. Renowned realm. She very good at her unique feeling to the images of the deployment of color, through the right mix of color and the color of the anti-mainstream significance rewritten quietly put images of the characters or scenes vividly display in front of the reader to ordinary people than the fleeting moment and with great feeling of the color description and delicate, image, specifically solidification up. This paper will use Zhang Ailing love the colorful language, Zhang Ailing color use of the unique characteristics and the colorful language of the works of Zhang Ailing had played an important role in a briefing.
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