
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 03:52:35
例如:Please input a passage:
The topic of this assignment is about array, pointer and string. In particular, the goal of the assignment is to give you experience for dividing programs into modules and using the pointer for manipulation of string data.
Words begin with t: 7
Words begin with a: 6
Words begin with i: 4
Words begin with p: 4
Words begin with o: 3
Words begin with d: 2
Words begin with f: 2
Words begin with g: 2
Words begin with m: 2
Words begin with s: 2
Words begin with e: 1
Words begin with u: 1
Words begin with y: 1
Total words: 37

char * strtok( char *strToken, const char *strDelimit );
strToken: 包含着token的字符串(string)
strDelimit: 分隔符集合(seps)

#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
char str[500];
char *strToken;
char strDelimit[] = " ,.?!";

int wordCount = 0;
map<char, int> words;
map<char, int>::iterator iter;

cout << "Please input a passage:" << endl;
cin.getline( str, sizeof(str) );
strToken = strtok( str, strDelimit );
while ( strToken != NULL )
iter = words.find( tolower( *strToken ) );
if ( iter == words.end() ) {
words.insert( pair<char, int>( tolower( *strToken ), 1 ) );
else {

strToken = strtok( NULL, strDelimit );

for ( iter=words.begin(); iter!=words.end(); ++iter ) {
cout << "Words begin with " << iter->first << "