
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 14:57:05

华丽琴鸟Menura novaehollandiae
红羽极乐鸟Paradisaea raggiana
翠鸟Dacelo novaeguineae
维多利亚凤冠鸠Goura victoria
大葵花凤头鹦鹉Cacatua galerita
蓝冠吸蜜鹦鹉Vini australis
科莫多巨蜥Varanus komododensis
伞蜥Chlamydosaurus kingii
低冠蜥Brachylophus vitensis
东部蓝舌石龙子Tiliqua scincoides
多趾虎Rhacodactylus leachianus
斑点楔齿蜥Sphenodon punctatus
滑跖蟾Leiopelma sp.
胃育溪蟾Rheobatrchus silus
绿雨滨蛙Litoria chloronta


Australian brush turkey

What do brush turkeys look like?

The brush turkey is easily recognised by its:

deep blue-black plumage
bright head colours
broad, flat tail
general turkey-like appearance.

The bird's wattle (a fleshy lobe hanging down from the base of its neck) varies in colour with its age, gender and location. In the southern parts of its range, the male brush turkey has a bright yellow wattle, while on Cape York Peni