
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/26 04:07:51
建筑同行来说,它与"国际式"一词的紧密联系,使它具有极其特殊的历史形象。在20世纪末年,"解构主义"建筑展的举行,让它在颠覆自身历史形象的同时,显示出前瞻及诱导建筑和艺术发展的持续野心。本文简要回顾它的过去70年间,在收藏、运营、策划和馆舍建设与改造方面经历的变化,人析这一规模庞大的混血建筑综合体在保守的外表之下,力求平衡艺术、技术和社会时尚多方面因素的努力。现代艺术博物馆的成长变迁,也是当代艺术之都纽约特有的商业文化的再现 能讲的故事都是老的,有没有新意全看是怎么个讲法。这就跟视觉艺术的创作一样,形式花样总比内容变化要多。


New York Museum of Modern Art Abstract : located in Manhattan, the busiest section of the City Museum of Modern Art, is the contemporary art collection, research and display some of the most institutional one. Building peer right, it "international-style" close ties, it is extremely special historical image. In the late 20th century, "Deconstruction" construction exhibition, it in the history of subversion own image at the same time, demonstrated foresight and induction of the building and sustained development of the arts and ambition. This paper reviews the past 70 years, the collection, operation, planning and construction and renovation of the premises has gone through changes, On the one large-scale architectural complexes mixed in a conservative appearance, sought to balance art, technical and social factors fashionable efforts. Modern Art Museum of growth changes, as well as contemporary art in New York has a unique business cult