
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 12:49:26
Listen to This 3, Lesson 9, Section 2,
News in Detail Rajiv Gandhi Escapes an Assassination Attempt
There was an assassination attempt against Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi today. A man fired several shots at Gandhi and other Indian leaders participating in an open-air prayer meeting. Gandhi was not injured. Six people received minor wounds when the gunman burst from the brushes where he had apparently hidden prior to the ceremony to avoid security checks. He surrendered when guards surrounded him. Those in charge of Gandhi's security have been suspended, and an investigation is under way.
Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi survived an assassination attempt in New Delhi today. The assailant fired a succession of shots at Gandhi, who was attending a Hindu prayer service with his wife and Indian President Zail Singh. Official sources have called the incident a major security lapse. Witnesses say Gandhi told security guards two times he had heard gun s



印度总理拉吉夫.甘地在今日新德里的企图暗杀中生还。暗杀者成功对参加印度教徒服务的甘地和他妻子以及印度总统Zail Singh开了几枪。官方消息称这场事件反应出一个巨大的安全漏洞。目击证人说甘地两次告诉保镖他听到枪声,然而安全卫队却回答说是摩托车尾气的声音。在此之后的半小时以后,警察最终包围并捉获了枪手。在拘捕间引起了六人受伤。BBC Humphrey Hoxley报道。

总理家中发出的官方声明说警察官员有直接负有对甘地先生安全的安排暂停的责任。政府部门的高级官员说最高级的调查正在进行中以确定为什么在世界上最应该贴身保护的政府领袖之一的总理的安全,会在一个持有非法改造的左轮手枪的枪手面前崩溃,而且没能侦察到就让他穿过安全线来到总理的数英尺的距离。警方说枪手在他二十岁的时候已经有可能策划对甘地和他的党的袭击。当他们来到这个圣雄甘地火葬的地区庆祝这独立领袖的生日。此地早已进行搜索,但是安全人员并未能找出枪手的藏匿地点。因为他躲藏在有茂密绿色蔓藤覆盖混凝土掩体的上方。枪手开枪是甘地先生离开了半小时的时候。但当他的藏身出被发现时,有目击证人说他举起武器并用北印度方言大声呼喊“我投降”。警方说他没有和任何恐怖组织有联系,也不是两年前印度锡克教徒行动暗杀甘地先生母亲Indira的一部分。Humphrey Hoxley, BBC, 德里报导。


