
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 11:01:15
Numerical investigation of pressure loss reduction in a power plant stack
Murthy Lakshmirajua and Jie Cui , a,
aMechanical Engineering Department, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN 38505, United States
Received 1 August 2005; revised 1 May 2006; accepted 30 June 2006. Available online 22 August 2006.

The strengthened environmental laws require the power plants to reduce the emissions. Flue gas desulphurization and deNOx involve adding chemicals to the flow stream, thereby resulting in increased mass flow. This problem could be overcome by reducing the pressure drop in the duct work and stack combination, so that a higher flow at reduced pressure drop can be handled by the existing fans. In this study, a power plant stack model of 1:40 was investigated numerically. The pressure reduction was achieved by introduction of baffles with various orientations and turning vanes at the inlet of the stack. The flows were model

数值压力损失减少了电厂烟囱murthy lakshmirajua和崔杰,一个 amechanical工程系,田纳西科技大学,库克维尔,总氮38505 ,美国接待2005年8月1日; 修改2006年5月1日;
2006年6月30日. 可在线2006年8月22日. 摘要加强对环境法律规定的发电厂,以减少排放量. 烟气脱硫脱硝涉及添加化学物质的流路,从而增加流量. 这个问题可以克服,减少压降,管道和烟囱组合 使高流量减少压降,可以由现行的球迷. 在这项研究中,一个电厂烟囱模型1:40数值分析. 减压是通过引进隔板与各个方向,使叶轮在进气道的 栈. 流量建模和分析,利用商业计算流体动力学( CFD )软件Fluent 6.2 . 数值结果验证与实验数据. 30 °挡板不需转动叶片被发现为最佳挡板角度而言的压力损失. 减少. 变异轴向速度 旋转组件及湍流动能沿轴线的栈进行了分析,以了解这种机制的 压力损失减少了电厂烟囱. 指引进一步的压力,减少损失提供了基于洞察力所得仿真结果. 关键词:能源; 数值模拟; 湍流; 电厂;
压力损失文章概要1 . 引言1.1 . 1.2意义. 文献1.3 . 目标2 . 数值方法3 . 实验结果及验证码3.1 . 实验3.2 . 模拟安装3.3 . 验证的数值方法4 . 压力损失减少4.1机制. 模拟结果4.2 . 压力损失减少机制5 . 参数研究6 . 结论